Houston area organization gifts teachers $300 gift cards to help prepare for school year

HOUSTON – A local organization is helping Houston area teachers with the financial burden of returning to the classroom.

“I’m married with three kids and those funds for those extra things in my classroom can be a bit tight seeing that I have to cover the expenses of my own children,” said Austin Diggs.

Diggs, a business teacher and coach at Cypress Lakes High School, knows the start of the school year can be tough for teachers.

That’s why the organization Building Knowledge Everywhere is stepping up to help.

“We have identified ten teachers across seven districts around the Houston area where we are giving them $300 Amazon gift cards for them to use to spend on their supplies for their classroom,” said Brian Edwards with Building Knowledge Everywhere.

The organization provides free tutoring, student scholarships and teacher support.

“I would also like to see all of our teachers be equipped so they can give our students the best experience and that they can teach them the best way they know how to teach,” said Edwards.

Diggs said the money will help tremendously.

“I was overwhelmed because I immediately started thinking about how I can get my classroom up-to-date,” said Diggs. “The sky is the limit because my class has been bare minimum for most of my career with just visuals, but now I get to bring in more electronics and more things that create a more comfortable learning environment.”

To learn more about Building Knowledge Everywhere and to donate, click here.

About the Author
Cathy Hernandez headshot

Reporter, family-oriented, sports fanatic, proud Houstonian.