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‘A unique campus’: New all-boys school opens doors at Aldine ISD

HOUSTON – Aldine ISD welcomed students Wednesday morning to its new all-boys school, Impact Leadership Academy.

“It’s the first all-boys school in Aldine ISD, created to give boys choices and opportunities,” said Principal Jonathan Kegler.

This year, they’re starting with 1st, 2nd and 6th grades for a total of 375 students.

“It’s designed with boys in mind from the scheduling, we have 45 minutes for lunch and recess every day,” said Kegler.

They’ve selected instruction specifically for boys too, like an entrepreneurship and leadership course.

“We’re going to teach our boys how to build their own business so they were going to start with the end in mind, what do you wanna be when you grow up,” said Kegler.

The school is partnering with Prairie View A&M University throughout the year, which includes visits to the college campus.

It’s all meant to give young men opportunities and prepare them for success.

“It’s a unique campus. It’s different. Most all-boys schools start middle and they go through high school. We’re starting when they’re young. We’re catching them and training them up when they’re young,” said Kegler.

The school invited 100 men to welcome the boys to school on Wednesday morning for encouragement as they start the new school year.

The school is also hosting a pep rally to get the students excited.

About the Author
Cathy Hernandez headshot

Reporter, family-oriented, sports fanatic, proud Houstonian.