Lamar Consolidated ISD approves billion dollar bond package that will make major improvements to the district

FORT BEND COUNTY – The November Election is right around the corner and voters in Fort Bend County will decide on a $1.72 billion bond package that will make major improvements at Lamar Consolidated ISD.

“Lamar is now the fastest growing school district in the state of Texas,” Dr. Roosevelt Nivens said.

Dr. Roosevelt Nivens just started his second year at Lamar CISD and says the district added about 3,200 students in the past year.

“We are growing rapidly. We are projected to be about 70,000 students in 2030. I believe we will be about 55,000 in the next two to three years.”

Last week, school leaders approved a $1.72 billion bond that is split into five different items.

Proposition A would add new campuses, and buses, renovate existing buildings and make upgrades to technology, safety, and security.

Superintendent Nivens said it would also complete projects from the 2020 school bond.

“With COVID and supply chain Inflation, we’re about $150 million short from what we planned in 2020,” Nivens said.

Propositions B, C, D and E include a career and technology center, equipment, and supplies. It would also make upgrades to Traylor Stadium and land for a new stadium.

“We are looking to add CTE classes in there also. We are talking about audio-visual production. The students can go to the stadium to film the games, run commercials, and have hands-on experience,” Nivens said.

Melanie Ayala is a high school senior and spoke for her mother who speaks Spanish.

“She would vote for something like this because she’s seen the increase with schools and students, and we just feel that we need more schools, bigger schools, more places for students to get their education,” Ayala said.

The district plans to have meetings for parents to discuss the school bond ahead of the November election.

Lamar CISD School Bond (Copyright 2022 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved.)
Lamar CISD (Copyright 2022 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved.)

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Emmy award-winning journalist born and raised in Alabama. College football fanatic and snow cone lover! Passionate about connecting with the community to find stories that matter.