VIDEO: Coyote seen hopping 6-foot fence in Pecan Grove

PECAN GROVE, Texas – Recent coyote sightings are worrying some Houston-area residents.

Video recorded Tuesday shows a coyote hopping a six-foot fence in someone’s backyard in Pecan Grove. The animal then hopped on a shed.

In a Facebook post, Fort Bend County Precinct 1 Constable Chad Norvell said a coyote killed a woman’s French bulldog this past weekend. The woman said she saw the coyote run by her house.

“Please be aware we live among them and a 6′ fence isn’t an obstacle,” Norvell said in the post.

Here are some precautions from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department if you spot coyotes in your area:

  • Keep pet food and water inside.
  • Keep compost piles securely covered.
  • Keep pets inside, secure them in a kennel or covered yard, or within the close presence of an adult.
  • Be sure to walk pets on a leash and accompany them outside, especially at night.
  • Minimize clusters of shrubs, trees and other cover and food plants near buildings and children’s play areas to avoid attracting rodents and small mammals that attract coyotes.

About the Author

Prairie View A&M University graduate with a master’s degree in Digital Media Studies from Sam Houston State. Delta woman. Proud aunt. Lover of the color purple. 💜