Astros superfan, Houston icon ‘Mattress Mack’ responds after expletive-laced outburst caught on camera after World Series game

Here are social media messages reacting to footage

Jim "Mattress Mack" McIngvale announces relief effort to help people impacted by Hurricane Ida. (KPRC 2 /

HOUSTON – Astros superfan, major wagerer and sales icon Jim “Mattress Mack” McIngvale, of Gallery Furniture, is going viral Wednesday morning after video surfaced of the ad pitchman swearing into a crowd in Philadelphia.

McIngvale is shown wearing his Astros jersey and being held back as it seems people are calling out to the ad pitchman as it appears he is walking out of the stadium.

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It’s not known what happened in the moments or minutes before the recording, but representatives for McIngvale shared this statement to KPRC 2 on Wednesday morning: “A Phillies fan was heckling Mack the whole game and followed him out to the concourse at the end of the game. The fan continued to shout negative comments about the Astros including they are a bunch of cheaters…Jose Altuve will never make the Hall of Fame… we should take off their jerseys to see if they are wearing buzzers. Mack had enough of the negative comments and responded to the heckler.”

RELATED: Mattress Mack chats exclusively with Derrick Shore, and leaves a message for fans ahead of tonight’s game

The Astros lost Tuesday night’s Game 3 of the World Series, 7-0 against the Phillies.

You can watch the video here. There is strong language in the footage.

While not directly responding to the video, McIngvale tweeted on Wednesday referencing the Bible, writing, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21.”

KPRC 2 has reached out to Gallery Furniture and McIngvale for information on what happened but has not heard back yet as of this writing.

Social media is lighting up after the outburst. Here are some of the messages that caught our eye as people see the footage.

Messing with Mattress Mack is not the move!” - @SportsTalk790

“He’s giving it to some Phillies fan.” - Junior Munoz @juniorMunozHTX

#Philly is ironically called the City of Brotherly Love, but I have empathy for #MattressMack, who bet $10 Million on #Houston to win #WorldSeries and he’s down 2-1. I’d probably react same way.” - Fred Pierson @fredpierson

“Philly broke the mattress guy…sad scenes.” - Wu-Tang is for the Children @WUTangKids

“Houston Astros do it for Mattress Mack! He is the definition of Bury Me in the H!” - Steven Baasen @StevenBaasen

“Philly ain’t getting that FREE Mattress!”- Brian Fields @iambrianfields

#MattressMack out here with bible verses after cursing out Phillies fans.” - Matt @GeraltOfPhilly

“Whoah. #MattressMack needs to get some rest.” - Imprison the MF @renzloh

“Didn’t know MM had this fire in him. I love it. Dudes my best friend and he doesn’t even know it. #MattressMack” - DP @23DP23

#Astros super fan pissed about to be out some $$$$$$, Go lay down” - Wonderkid From Clearwater @ChrisFi43285590

“I love the dude who says to him “What are you gonna do?” .. what, you’re gonna fight a 70+ year old man? Philly fans .. never change.” - Iain D. Wright @iain19

“He is an amazingly selfless individual. FYI, he was helping out Philly frontline workers yesterday. He’s the real deal.” - Jenn Deaton @jennmcdn1

“I’m on team #MattressMack.” - Rusty Surette

“Build the statue.” - Apollo Dez

“Make (his comments) a shirt.” - Juicebox Hero

“Philly fans have broken Mattress Mack.” - Baseball Quotes

The graphic making the rounds.

And another...

That last tweet references a bit of philanthropy on the East Coast. It’s what Houstonians see regularly from Mattress Mack and he delivered it on the road on Tuesday.

On Twitter, Mattress Mack wrote: ”What a blessing to be in Atlantic City giving out mattresses today to Veterans & First Responders who give so much. Loved meeting Chief Kohler of the Atlantic City Fire Department. Thanks to @Sealy @CaesarsSports & @harrahsresort for partnering with @GFToday on this great event.″

See the video of that donation here.