Houston Newsmakers: A super challenge for Super Feast due to lack of turkeys, volunteers

ALSO: Camp for All offers respite help; Shrinking the digital divide with partnership

This is part of what may be missing from this year's 44th Annual Super Feast at the George R. Brown Convention Center (KPRC-Pixabay)


  • The 44th Thanksgiving SuperFeast is facing numerous challenges because of a shortage of turkeys and volunteers. Host Khambrel Marshall sits down with the regional director of City Wide Club of America to talk about the goals for this year’s super event.
  • President and CEO of Camp For All offers activities for all abilities.
  • Comcast is offering tools and programs for Houstonians to bridge the gap when it comes to the digital divide.

Super Feast on shaky ground?

For 43 years, the Thanksgiving Super Feast has been feeding thousands of the less fortunate in Houston.

Unfortunately, this year’s 44th year is facing challenges because of a shortage of turkeys and volunteers.

Stephanie Lewis, Regional Director, City Wide Club of America (KPRC)

Stephanie Lewis is the Regional Director of the City Wide Club of America, the sponsor of this annual event, and says the goal is to have at least 20,000 turkeys for Thursday but they will need help to get there.

“When Houston finds out we have a need, they always step up to the plate so no I’m not worried,” she said. “A little concerned right now, but not worried.”

Lewis says volunteers are also needed for the many tasks necessary to make the day a success. Click here to sign up to volunteer or to make a donation.

Camp For All offers respite help

Camp for All has been a Godsend for the many thousands of people and families in search of safe and rewarding experiences for the child or adult they are caring for.

For the holiday season, the camp is stressing the need for caregivers to give themselves a break and trust Camp For All to look after their loved one while they take care of themselves.

Pat Prior Sorrells, President & CEO, Camp For All (KPRC)

Pat Prior Sorrells is the President and CEO of Camp For All and says that from the very beginning the goal has been clear.

“We really want this camp to level the playing field for everybody, no matter what their challenge is,” she said. “I’ve seen people with no limbs up on the challenge course. There’s every way to do every activity, multiple ways so everybody can participate and they can make choices.”

Camp For All has more than 60 affiliations with organizations that focus on those with disabilities. Click here to find the best fit for you and see much more on this week’s Houston Newsmakers with Khambrel Marshall.

Digital Divide Partnership

Shrinking the “Digital Divide” is the goal of the new partnership among Comcast, the City of Houston, and SERJobs for Progress. The 18-month pilot program is focused on helping those who are new to computers and the internet.

Misha McClure is the Texas Director of External Affairs for Comcast and says the company will place “Digital Navigators” in the communities that need the extra support.

“They are going to be placed in the City of Houston’s Complete Communities to really give that one-to-one interaction with helping people get the technology skills they need,” she said. “As well as the adoption information to get connected to the internet at home.”

Shannon Buggs joins the conversation about what the City of Houston is offering, which includes free support for many life skills.

“Helping people to set up online banking, help them get connected to physicians and others so they can help them manage their health and do their preventative health online,” she said. “Get kids on the internet so they can do their school work and access free online tutoring.”

See how much more free help is available in this week’s Houston Newsmakers.

Misha McClure, Comcast Texas Director of External Affairs, Shannon Buggs, Director of Mayor's City of Houston Complete Communities (KPRC)

For more information on this week’s Houston Newsmakers

· Stephanie Lewis, Regional Director, City Wide Club of America

· Website: https://citywideclub.com/

· Pat Prior Sorrells, President & CEO Camp for All

· Website: https://www.campforall.org/

· Misha McClure, Comcast Texas Director of External Affairs

· Website: https://texas.comcast.com/2022/03/07/misha-mcclure-to-lead-digital-equity-and-community-impact-programs-as-comcast-houstons-new-director-of-external-affairs/

· Website: https://corporate.comcast.com/impact/project-up/digital-navigators

· Shannon Buggs, Director, Mayor’s City of Houston Complete Communities

· Website: https://www.houstoncc.org/

· Website: https://serjobs.org/