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What are you thankful for, Insiders?

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HOUSTON – All this month, KPRC 2 investigator Amy Davis has shared what she’s thankful for, ahead of Thanksgiving. We’ve loved watching her posts on her social media channels. Like her page if you don’t already!

Day 20: Today I’m #thankful for the people God has brought into my life at exactly the right time... precisely when I...

Posted by KPRC2 Amy Davis on Sunday, November 20, 2022

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Our viewers, reader, and KPRC 2 Insiders are one of the things we’re thankful for every year. Many Insiders shared what they are most grateful for in 2022. You can see some of the responses below. These may have been edited for clarity, grammar and content.

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KPRC 2 Insider notes of gratitude

“I am very thankful my baby was born healthy and extremely grateful to have my mom and husband.”

-- Melanie Plocharski

“I’m thankful for my family from my 90-year-old mother to my 1-and-a-half year-old grand niece. We are truly Blessed. I thank the Lord every morning for all that we have. Our health our happiness, always be Thankful for everything 🙏🙏❤”

-- Judith Harris

“This year I am thankful for family ... I lost my sweet dog, Red, after 12 years in September. He may have been 15-17 years old.. He was a Barrio dog.. I lost my nephew, Kansas in February at the age of 40.. I am thankful for what I have and what I had.. Family comes in all shapes and sizes.. Sadness and happiness. The best part is the ability to wake up every day and be grateful for this day. Make it a better day then yesterday.. Give to others always.. Always do the random acts of kindness.

-- Marilyn T. Zwirek

“At 76 years old I am thankful for my special needs grandson Tate who resides with me and my husband the last three years. He keep me going when I often feel like giving up. He is a challenge but worth every effort and sacrifice I make. He is 26 and spent his teen years living in a group home setting that proved to be abusive. When he came here three years ago he was scared, traumatized and wanted to end his life, but with all the love and energy I could muster over time he is recovering. I thank God daily!”

-- Ginger

“I’m so grateful and can’t believe that I was at the New York Time Square billboards , how cool is that? I’m grateful that our dreams of nice house, good friends, nice cars, thriving senior care businesses NOW reality. I’m thankful that’s there’s a “Happy Thanksgiving Day” where family get together, pray together and so grateful with each other. I’m thankful that God lead us to have senior care business to help elderlies. I’m thankful to you to give us space here to say thankfulness.”

-- Lani Savilla Cabral Pasao

“I am thankful that my daughter fought and beat breast cancer this year! Praise God! 💖”

Deborah Eymard

“I have two sons. One of them, along with my wonderful daughter in law. Have given us two absolutely wonderful grandchildren. Kinlee is 11 and Wyatt is 5. They are both smart and healthy and for this I am thankful. My second son is graduating from the University of Houston next month and has found his dream job working for NASA and starts in January and for this I am thankful. I also am blessed to have a wonderful wife who puts up with me and for this I’m very thankful.”

-- Dwain Johnson

”As of this month I am cancer free for four years!”

-- Trish Fields

“So many reasons for me to be thankful for but, God scored big in my life for giving me the best mother in the whole creation, The day she left this world, part of me died, but after realizing that she was in the company of angels and our creator, I had no choice but to accept God’s will. I know that we’ll meet again. 🙏🏼 AMÉN”

-- Victor H. Uribe

“I am most thankful this year that God had spared all of those people in my life that are close to me, both family and friends. These past two years have been trying both physically and emotionally for US all. Even though we see what seems to countless hurtful and life changing situations, there is a very loving and compassionate side that is present as well. Among the horror stories there comes stories of love, kindness, encouragement and good will. I am so grateful that LOVE does outweigh hate.”

-- Vielean Maxwell

“I am so thankful for this man that I call my dear of 42 years. I have this illness. Some days are better than others. OMG this man will call me five to six times a day just to make sure that I’m doing good. Thankful, no grateful for this man that I call Dear. To others he’s daddy, Papi, Fred, but to family and close friends he’s Freddy.

-- Brenda Flowers

“I am thankful for my and my husband’s health, our family and friends who we get to spend time with and, especially, the time that we had with the loved ones who are no longer with us.”

-- Diane Garza

“That I’m a Texan.”

-- Tanner

“In 2017, I lost my only daughter and my husband of 42 years. But God has blessed me richly with wonderful friends and family who have stepped in to fill the hole in my heart. I am more than thankful for all of my blessings!”

-- Kathy Roberts

“After finding out that what I assumed to be a bad case of the flu was actually a heart attack and kidney failure last month, I am thankful that I am back to my old self. I am a senior who lives independently and works full time. This helped me remember that your life as you know it, can change in the blink of an eye.”

-- Deena Smiley

“I’m so thankful for my husband who has provided me with so much support, respect, and love all 41 years of our marriage. I’m thankful that I am healthy and able to care for him as we age. I’m just so grateful for life.”

-- Ramona Earls

“I am very thankful to live in America with the most freedoms in the world. I am very thankful for the men and women who protect those freedoms every day. I am thankful that I have a home with running water and electricity. I am thankful for the many stores with everything I need and that I have the money to buy. I am thankful that I never lost a child to cancer. I am thankful for free education and jobs. I believe that every one of us in America are blessed.”

-- Bebe Durrani

“I’m thankful for life and family. I’m a daughter, wife, mother of four and grandmother to a three-year old boy. I have three sisters and overall come from a larger family (21 aunts and uncles and 21 cousins). I’ve been fortunate enough to enjoy the presence of them all as they are all living. Even mom and dad are alive and in relatively good health considering their old age. Not many people my age can say this. Thanks be to God for blessing me and my family with the gift of life!”

-- Vionnette Padovani

“I’m thankful to have another year with my children and grandchildren celebrating the holidays all in good health.”

-- Kathie

“I am thankful for paying my bills, food in the fridge and money in my purse. I am thankful not being a young person for still having a family at my age. I can list everything it would be too much to mention! I just thank God every day for my many blessings, and I wish everyone a blessed day to eat, pray and be with friends and family.”

-- Brenda Way

“Cancer survivor. Also thankful I had my parents for as long as I did, with my father overcoming multiple heart bypass operations to live into his 80s, and my mother living to 93.”

-- Larry Lass

“We are blessed and thankful for our gorgeous moon princess (Avery Aurora Alvarez). She was planned and more then anything she is loved. She was born with two small holes in her heart and by the grace of GOD up above one has already healed.”

-- Caesar Alvarez

“I am thankful for being with my husband, both of us are healthy and have a job. I couldn’t ask for more, my most precious gift in this life is being able to see him happy and to wake up next to him every morning.”

-- Bettina

“I am thankful to still have both my parents who are in their late 70s and early 80s. I am thankful for a son who loves me and I love him with all my heart. I am thankful to have a job that I love and I am thankful for a man who loves me. I am thankful to be able to share with you all.”

-- Linda Munsie

“I am thankful for being with my husband, both of us are healthy and have a job. I couldn’t ask for more, my most precious gift in this life is being able to see him happy and to wake up next to him every morning.”

-- Bettina

“I’m thankful for my Heavenly Father who has brought me through so much . My kids who are my life and my inspiration. I’m thankful just to see another day, I give my lord Jesus Christ all the glory.”

-- Joyce Melchor

“I am thankful for beating cancer twice colon cancer first beat it then I got liver cancer, beat it from having liver surgery. I still have a long road ahead of me. I am still recovering from the surgery. I am very thankful.”

-- Dee Jones

“This Thanksgiving, I am most thankful for my family, graduating with my P.h.D on Dec. 4 and simply trusting that I am going to be a great success with my nonprofit of helping children of domestic violence and murdered parents live to see a better day and to know that someone cares. I am thankful for the strength God has given me to move forward after all of the pain. I am THANKFUL.”

-- Brenda Simmons

“I’m thankful for our entire family being able to get together for this Thanksgiving. This is our first family Thanksgiving since the pandemic began.”

-- Helen W Johnson

“This year I am most thankful for the new memories we have all made post (heightened) pandemic!”

-- Adam flo

“I am thankful for the spirit and charity of Houston residents, not only during the holidays, but the entire year. H-Town #1″

-- Billy Glover

“I am thankful for my family and moving to Houston to be near them. Also that I am still alive after battling Covid , bilateral pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia this past winter. I am finally off of oxygen and feeling blessed to be alive.”

-- Buffalo girl

“I’m thankful for my wife of 44 years that has been by side through thick and thin, for her being the shoulder that I can lean on whenever things fall apart and to share my life with. She’s the light my life.”

-- Bruce Boller

“I’m thankful for family and good friends to spend the holidays with being able to help the homeless so that they will be able to enjoy the holidays as well very grateful for God grace and mercy. Happy Holidays to all.💕💕”

-- Jamie Bell

“I am thankful that I live in the most wonderful country on earth, where we have the opportunity to speak our mind, openly share ideas, love who we wish and worship as we see fit. A nation where we are free to elect our leaders and earn an education. The precious freedom we have in America should be at the front of every person’s thankfulness. God Bless America.”

-- Jan Southern

“We are thankful for our daughter who allowed us to move in with her while we build our new home. And, we are very thankful for our health and family. We acquired a son-in-law this year who was so helpful during our move when we sold our home. There is nothing like family! Happy Thanksgiving to all!”

-- Leah Gray

“I am thankful for my husband Keith of 27 years, my two beautiful daughters Kelsey and Katie, and my World Series-winning Astros! This year has been a blessing in many ways!”

-- Esther Burchert

“I am thankful for my family, good friends, and having good grades in school.”

-- Namir Naushad Manasiya

“I’m thankful to God for being alive and thankful for my family and friends and pets. Most of all I’m thankful to have someone in my life that watches over me and cares for me.”

-- Betty D

“I am of course thankful for my son and granddaughters and other family but beyond that, for each new day that brings with it a chance, and a choice, to be better, to contribute something positive, however small, to this fast-moving, complicated and tragedy riddled country/world of ours. Wishing everyone peace, strength and love today and every day. Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!”

-- Christine McMahan

“Very thankful for another chance at life after battling and beating cancer, for support from family and friends all coming together to share life. Thankful to live another day. Thank God for every opportunity he brings my way.

-- Matt Carey

“It’s amazing how many families that struggle with eating one meal a day. Three square meals daily for them would be like Christmas. So, for me, at the end of each day, I’m very thankful that I am able to provide sufficient meals for my kids (15+, 18, 19+, and 21). I am grateful that I survived a lot this year and my mental health threatened, but intact due to grace. The joy and care that my fantastic four kids give me sustain me. For that, our lives, and more, my heart is full all year-round.”

-- Nkem DenChukwu

“My new house.”

-- Juana Hawk

“I am thankful that I am going to spend Thanksgiving with my wife this year. She has Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer that has spread into her bone marrow. She has had six blood transfusions in the last two months, one scheduled for tomorrow. She has been through so much in the past three years and her time here is getting shorter by the day. Every day in life is precious. We are not guaranteed tomorrow. Spend every day with the one you love and cherish the time you have to be with them. God bless!”

-- Anthony Krzyzanowski

“I am thankful first for my relationship with God and next for the family and friends he has placed in my life! Last but not least for those simple things we take for granted, such as a toothbrush, clean socks, and my health.”

-- Barbara DiPiano

“I’m thankful for ALL of the doctors and ALL of the nurses at St. Luke’s Medical Center for taking such excellent care of my wife of 35 years, Evelyn Henderson, during her recent heart surgery on Oct. 27, 2022.The caring and support from all of the staff was remarkable.”

-- William Henderson

“I am thankful to be here today I was diagnosed with a rare colon cancer that has spread to my liver. I have had my colon cancer removed but I will be able to live with the cancer that spread to my liver for the rest of my life. I feel I have a lot to be thankful for because I could have had a very different outcome.”

-- Edna Hernandez

“Happy Blessed Thanksgiving to everyone 💖. I am so very thankful that a lot of us made it thru the pandemic, prayers for all. We seem to have embraced kindness, love and concern for others again. No matter what it looks like a warm Smile and a friendly Hello goes a long way. 🌹💞🌹Always give thanks. 🌹💞🌹

-- H Jones

“I am thankful that I made it through another year with my family and that Jesus Christ is my savior without him l would not have made it because I have had so many ups and downs. l praise him every day and each day is a blessing for healing, love for everyone. May God continue to bless your family, as well. Happy Thanksgiving.”

-- Elizabeth Harris

“The war department. She has done an outstanding job of holding our family together, raising two fabulous sons who are now fathers themselves and putting up with me. She is truly the matriarch of our family and we are lucky to have her.”

-- Jerry

“I am thankful that my family are all well and happy. I am thankful for all the blessings God our Father has given me in my life. Most of all I am thankful for the strength to make it through each day.”

-- Shirley Garvin

“I am thankful that I can spend another year surviving in a pandemic and sharing the Thanksgiving holidays with my Navy veteran husband and three sons!”

-- Tracy Simms

“I’m thankful both my children got potty trained this year!”

-- Matt Kurtenbach

“I am thankful for every breath that God allows me to take. And for the life that I have, my two, a Houston police officer and a H-E-B manager and my two granddaughters that looks and acts like me, and my whole entire family and associates.”

-- Leanna Thomas

“I am thankful for all of those out there volunteering and donating to help those in need.”

-- Nancy

“I am thankful for my loving husband, Terry, my sweet dog, Sophie, my good friends, my health and overall happiness. I am thankful for our home, the folks who keep me and mine safe, and for the opportunity to sit and think about what I am thankful for.”

-- Chesna Deyoe

“I am thankful for my family, friends and good health. Thankful to be an American.”

-- Milli Williams

“I am thankful for my liver donor and their family! Five years ago, on Halloween, I received the gift of life. This family sadly lost their loved one, but enabled me to watch my grandchildren grow and thrive! It’s a gift like no other!”

-- Pam Underwood

“Hello my name is Candace Ivory. I would like to wish you all a happy holiday. I am thankful for my family and loved ones . I am thankful for the grace God has given us to see another day as some didn’t get to wake up.”

-- Candace Ivory

“I am thankful for my faith in God. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for my loving friends.”

-- Lynnette

“Hi, I am thankful for family and spending time together!”

-- Carla R.

“I am thankful for my and my husband’s health, our family and friends who we get to spend time with and, especially, the time that we had with the loved ones who are no longer with us.”

-- Diane Garza