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Spencer Solves It celebrates 2 of the great families we’ve been able to help this year

HOUSTON – It’s an early celebration for two beautiful families who’ve had one incredibly difficult year.

Brave firefighter Brian Shirley and his wife and kids, and Emily Garcia, hard-working mom to her four children.

For 30-years, Brian saved lives and risked his own as a CyFair firefighter.

But last year, Brian had to have his right leg amputated due to flesh eating bacteria.

He lost his job, lost his home, lost his ability to walk.

“It’s been very, very, heartbreaking to me that I can’t be out there helping people, because I spent my whole life helping people,” Brian said.

And Emily Garcia, who fell on such crushing economic times, she couldn’t even provide a Christmas for her 4 children.

“Last Christmas, we we’re flat broke. I mean, we we’re broke from paycheck to paycheck with no way out and nothing to give to the children,” Emily said.

Now, it’s time to put all of that heartbreak aside and celebrate these two deserving families with a fabulous holiday meal.

It’s all courtesy of Frank Taylor, owner of the newly-opened Arella Grille.

Frank presents the families with a delectable, three course meal of gourmet salads, roasted Cornish Game hens and for dessert, a delicious, black forest cake.

“This is the first time we’ve been out together in about 19 months, so just being out as a family, being able to eat this gorgeous meal is a real celebration,” Brian said.

“I am thankful that we don’t have to worry about all the chaos in life that has been hitting us pretty hard lately. I get to see my children’s smiling faces and enjoy a meal that I didn’t have to cook and I don’t have to clean up after,” Emily said.

Yes, both these families are very thankful this year.

Brian, thankful the Spencer Solves It team provided him with a 20-thousand-dollar prosthetic leg, so he could walk again.

And Emily, that we were able to give her family more than 3,000 dollars in Christmas gifts for her children.

“Thank you so much Bill for reaching out to us again and helping us,” Emily said.

“It really means a lot to my family for you to do this for us, for helping us celebrate a new holiday season. I love you Buddy,” Brian said.

About the Author
Bill Spencer headshot

Emmy-winning investigative reporter, insanely competitive tennis player, skier, weightlifter, crazy rock & roll drummer (John Bonham is my hero). Husband to Veronica and loving cat father to Bella and Meemo.