Breaking Free - What is emotional and psychological abuse?

HOUSTONBreaking Free from domestic violence is not easy for many victims. While some look for physical violence, emotional and verbal abuse can be more debilitating to them.

(Watch this interview in the video player above.)

“Emotional and psychological abuse is domestic violence,” says Chau Nguyen with the Texas Forensic Nurse Examiners.

“It’s those invisible wounds that people don’t see.”

Some of the more common forms of invisible wounds come in the way of deception, manipulation, and verbal threats.

“It’s that slow trickling effect of abuse, and over time it wears and wears on a victim,” Nguyen says. “When something doesn’t feel right in a relationship, it probably isn’t.”

KPRC 2 is committed to exposing all forms of domestic violence. If you or a loved one is in need of help, there are resources available to you.

If you would speak with a representative from Texas Forensic Nurse Examiners please call 281-306-6893.

Breaking Free Stories:

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Breaking Free: Helping African Americans de-stigmatize abuse, learn to ask the right questions

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About the Authors
Jason Nguyen headshot

As an Emmy award-winning journalist, Jason strives to serve the community by telling in-depth stories and taking on challenges many pass over. When he’s not working, he’s spending time with his girlfriend Rosie, and dog named Dug.

 Ana Lastra headshot

Nationally-recognized investigative journalist. Passionate about in-depth and investigative stories that are important to the community. Obsessed with my Corgi pup named Chulo.