Father working for Border Patrol fights to stay close to daughter during her medical treatment after he was told to return to work

A baby is fighting for her life at Memorial Hermann hospital, and her father is fighting to stay by her side.

Matt Schoelles works for border patrol and is stationed in Arizona.

Right now, he’s being told he must get back to work. No exceptions because of the agency’s policies and procedures.

Baby Ruby has been in the NICU since her early birth in November.

Ruby was born nine weeks early and survived three major surgeries. She has had many complications.

“They [doctors] told us she’s had a lot of lucky, like miraculous, things that have happened,” Ruby’s mother Jessica Clark said.

Jessica says this experience has been one of the most difficult things she’s ever endured.

Now, the family is hoping for another miracle... Some mercy from Matt’s job.

Matt, a border patrol officer has been trying for months to get what’s called a compassionate transfer. The transfer would allow him to move closer to Texas near the family.

But they face an issue with the policy.

“It says something along the lines of for dire medical need, physical, or mental of the employee, or an immediate family member within the same household, and that last part of the sentence, residing in the same city is what they are holding on to,” said Jessica.

Jessica says because Matt lives in Arizona, and Ruby’s in the hospital in Texas, they don’t meet the qualifications.

She’s made phone calls and wrote letters to lawmakers hoping for some grace in this situation, but, so far, none of it has helped.

“Sent a letter to [Ted] Cruz’s office, and then I did a letter to Shelia Jackson Lee’s office as well,” said Jessica.

While doctors work to keep Ruby alive, her parents are working to stay together to be on the side of their daughter.

“We need this, we need the support of each other,” said Janet.

Jessica says Matt has been applying for other jobs in law enforcement in the Houston area, but so far nothing has panned out.

The family says they are sharing their story hoping that someone who can help them will see it and step in.