‘It’s so exciting’: 14-year-old cancer survivor gets free front-row tickets to Taylor Swift concert

Tickets were a gift from family who donated to the MD Anderson Cancer Center

HOUSTON – Thousands of Taylor Swift fans in Houston are singing the night away.

Friday, the super star kicked off the first of her three shows in Houston at NRG Stadium.

“I would say that I’m probably her world’s biggest fan, maybe,” said Hallie Barnard.

The 14-year-old got the gift that Swift fans dream, free front-row tickets.

“It’s so exciting, “she said.

Her tickets were a gift from a family who donated to the MD Anderson Cancer Center, by IIan Saadia and his 17-year-old daughter Gabriella. Saadia’s mother was treated for lymphoma at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Gabriella used her “early access” to purchase two additional tickets, and she and her dad donated them.

Hallie has been through a lot at her young age. At 13-months. she was diagnosed with a rare blood disease.

“I had a blood disorder called Diamond Blackfan Anemia, and that eventually led to me getting cancer,” she said.

The cancer led to her leg being amputated when she was 10.

“She couldn’t walk for two and a half years, so this is her first full year of walking on her prosthetic, and she is almost skip running, which is really cool, and it’s her first year in four years that she’s been to school. So, she missed 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade…and she jumped right into high school and is doing fabulous and striving at everything…all A’s,” said her mother Elyse Barnard.

Things are getting a lot better for Hallie, and she’s thrilled to celebrate. The Barnard’s are grateful for the generous gift from the Saadia family.

“She could have done anything with these two extra tickets,” said Elyse.

Hallie plans to keep the kindness going. She’ll continue raising money for cancer patients.

“My mom and I started a charity when I was five years old called Hallie’s Heroes, and we raised awareness for rare blood disorders…so far we’ve donated around $100,000 to a couple different hospitals,” said Hallie.

And the fundraising cancer survivor is looking forward to taking a break and enjoying some music with other Swifties.

“We are driving in Saturday, and we are going to get my nails done of course…I’m getting my makeup done,” said Hallie

“I’m looking forward the most to seeing Taylor come out on the stage and seeing her outfit, and her performances. I’ve seen so much stuff about the songs that she is going to sing, I’m just so excited,” she added.

If you’d like to donate to Hallie’s Heroes and help fight childhood cancer, click here.
