Denim Day is Wednesday: Show us your jean outfits as you stand with survivors of sexual assault

‘Never an invitation to rape’ | Organization raises awareness about misconceptions related to sexual violence

HOUSTON – People are invited to wear jeans on Wednesday for Denim Day during Sexual Assault Awareness month.

Denim Day is a campaign started by the Peace Over Violence organization, which is a sexual violence and child abuse prevention center in Los Angeles, California.

“The campaign began after a ruling by the Italian Supreme Court where a rape conviction was overturned because the justices felt that since the victim was wearing tight jeans she must have helped the person who raped her remove her jeans, thereby implying consent. The following day, the women in the Italian Parliament came to work wearing jeans in solidarity with the victim,” Peace Over Violence wrote on its website.

Denim Day happens every year on a Wednesday in April. Community members, students, and elected officials are asked to participate by wearing jeans.

Organizers said this is a movement to raise awareness about the misconceptions of sexual violence.

For more information about Denim Day and how you can support the initiative, click here. You can post or follow the campaign on social by using #DenimDay.

Unreported Sex Assaults in Houston

The Houston Area Women’s Center (HAWC) cited Texas Department of Public Safety statistics in a news release indicating more than 3,000 sexual assaults were reported in Harris County in 2021. However, the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) reports that 2 out of 3 go unreported.

“HAWC’s 24-hour rape crisis hotline and sexual assault services are free and confidential. We are proud to accompany survivors on their healing journey from being with them at the hospital, to providing counseling and legal services, to financial assistance and even housing, if needed.” Emilee Whitehurst, President and CEO of HAWC, said in a news release. “The trauma from an assault can be overwhelming and long-term. Funding from the Houston community is essential in continuing to offer these services that are, unfortunately, in very high demand right now.”

This month, Reliant is matching donations made to HAWC up to $40,000 to support the organization’s efforts to improve the caliber of care for sexual assault survivors in Houston. The month will culminate on Giving Day on April 27.

“At Reliant, we’ve supported the Houston Area Women’s Center in their mission to fight sexual assault and domestic violence for years,” said Elizabeth Killinger, president of Reliant, an NRG company. “We hope all Houstonians will join us to help raise funds to support survivors and improve the care that they receive in our community.”

Donations can be made here.

Wearing denim today?

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About the Author

Cynthia Miranda graduated from UT Austin and is a proud Houstonian. She is passionate about covering breaking news and community stories. Cynthia previously covered elections, the historic 2021 Texas winter storm, and other news in East Texas. In addition to writing, she also loves going to concerts, watching movies, and cooking with her family.