Knife brought out during fight involving students at Conroe ISD high school, district says

Conroe ISD

THE WOODLANDS, Texas – An altercation involving two students at College Park High School in the Woodlands led up to a fight involving a folding knife Wednesday, the Conroe Independent School District said.

The fight, which started in a locker room, happened before school began, according to the district. The staff, with the help of some of the students close by, were able to diffuse the situation, a statement from Principal Mark A. Murrell, Ed.D said.

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Emergency officials were called to evaluate any students who may have been injured in the incident. The students involved are reportedly no longer on campus.

“We do not tolerate this type of behavior and it will be addressed in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and the laws of the State of Texas,” Principal Murrell said. “I want to commend the students that helped end this situation quickly as well as our staff. They did an excellent job and made it clear that we do not want this kind of behavior taking place on our campus.”

Murrell said the fight was an isolated incident and the school day began on time.

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Prairie View A&M University graduate with a master’s degree in Digital Media Studies from Sam Houston State. Delta woman. Proud aunt. Lover of the color purple. 💜