Houston police working to combat rising jugging cases

Houston police say murders, robberies, assaults, and shootings are all down this year, but jugging cases are on the rise in the city.

SEE ALSO: Bank jugging: How to protect yourself from becoming a victim

HPD’s Chief Troy Finner says criminals have been targeting victims who leave jewelry stores, high-end stores, gun stores, and banks. Investigators say the thieves either steal from the person’s car, or they take what they want by force.

Finner says HPD has established a task force to focus on jugging, but officers say they need help from the public.

“What we are asking for today, is for citizens to be aware of their surroundings. When you leave those types of places, please pay attention to if you’re being followed. If you feel like you are being followed, please call the police,” said Commander of the Houston Police Department’s Auto Theft Division, D.F. Hitzman.

Hitzman says it’s a good idea to bank online instead of in person and remove valuables from your car.

SEE ALSO: Houston ‘juggings’ are soaring; 2022 totals already higher than 2021