How ‘functional fitness’ can benefit older adults

If you are a parent helping to care for your elderly parents who may be struggling with mobility, you aren’t alone.

This morning on KPRC 2+, our health reporter Haley Hernandez spoke with David Chan who works for Senior Helpers to learn about functional fitness.

When it comes to people over the age of 65, Chan says this type of fitness helps with multiple body systems.

“We want to ensure that we maintain cardiovascular health, possibly lower the risk of diabetes, lower cholesterol, improve muscle development,” Chan says. “ But more importantly it’s important to help maintain our independence, stay mobile, and continue to do the things we want to do and live a good quality of life.”

When it comes to accomplishing these exercises, Chan says you don’t need a gym membership. Instead you can do it at home.

“Walking is a very important,” Chan said. “You don’t have to do 10,000 steps anymore, you can do 4,000 steps. Depending on your condition, you can walk around the house, walk around the neighborhood, whatever is appropriate for you.”

With just a chair, he demonstrates how you can target upper body and lower body muscle groups.

You can learn more about fitness geared towards the elderly on Senior Helpers website.

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