Early Voting Day 1: Voters say process appeared to be running smoothly

Harris County Clerk’s Office: “haven’t heard of any issues yet”

Harris County early voting appeared to be running smoothly on the first day of early voting which runs from October 23 until November 3.

Lighter but steady traffic seemed to be the rule at most of the nearly 70 designated early voting locations in Harris County.

Quick, unofficial polling by KPRC 2 Investigates at a handful of locations across Harris County did not reveal any problems, involving paper ballots or connection issues, obstacles which have wreaked havoc on previous election days.

“No problems and I was out in five minutes,” a voter said.

Her sentiments were echoed by others, we found nobody in person who had any problem voting.

In Harris County, find a convenient polling place for early voting here.

Found a problem at a voting center? Contact: jeisenbaum@kprc.com

About the Author
Joel Eisenbaum headshot

Emmy-Winning Storyteller & Investigator