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HISD history teacher charged with improper relationship with a student

Former principal may have been aware of ‘concerning interactions’ since August

HOUSTON – After more than two weeks of controversy at Eastwood Academy following the removal of five employees, a U.S. History and Debate teacher has been charged for allegedly having a sexual relationship with a student.

Christopher Wayne Williams, 41, was charged with improper relationship with a student. He has been charged but not arrested at the time of this writing.

Court documents revealed Williams, who has worked at the school since 2017, allegedly put his hands in the female student’s private area in mid-October, after at least a month of text messages between the two.

The victim allegedly told investigations she has had feelings for Williams since last November.

Documents claim she told investigators that she and Williams would meet in his classroom and have lunch by themselves, kiss and hug each other in his classroom, and eventually that led to the incident in which he put his hands in her pants on Oct. 16.

“We have not removed people except in this case, it is warranted,” Superintendent Mike Miles said Thursday night, hours before the court documents became public. “It’s a license-removing event and so we have to protect adults and kids.”

Investigators said the victim initially denied the allegations while being questioned but allowed the HISD police officer to search her phone for any evidence. After the teen’s parents were notified, she apparently became willing to talk to investigators.

During a search of her phone, investigators said they found several text messages between Williams and the student that began in September and ended in October.

According to court documents, the texts, which appeared to be of a “sexual/romantic nature,” included messages from Williams that read, “Coming in looking soo (misspelled) fine, beautiful hair, flawless makeup, sexy fit,” “Can’t wait to kiss you baby,” “Come gimme a kiss on your way to lunch,” and several “I love you” comments.

Speculation about the pair’s involvement due to “concerning interactions” had been reported to the school’s former principal, Dr. Ana Aguilar, in August, but it appears HISD Police didn’t get involved until October.

Another teacher at the school told investigators she had been approached by several students regarding “concerning interactions” between Williams and the victim in August. The teacher told authorities that she reported her concerns to the school principal, expressing that Williams and the girl “seemed to be unusually close.” The staff member said she also discussed her concerns with another employee who allegedly had similar concerns.

An investigation didn’t start, it appears, until a friend of the victim reported the alleged relationship to police last month.

“It’s real. It’s inappropriate. Adults would want us to take action on people who have inappropriate relations. That needs to be done,” Miles said Thursday night.

Miles said that as an investigation ensued, the former principal resigned and was not fired. He said the school’s staff has also been provided Child Protective Services training.

HISD said Williams is no longer employed by the district.

“This whole situation is upsetting. Again, just the the lack of transparency,” Eastwood parent Charon Grimaldo told KPRC 2.

She found out about the allegations after her freshman daughter sent her a news article, calling the last couple weeks stressful, worrisome, and frustrating.

“It has not been handled in a way that shows us as parents respect. It has not been handled in a way where I feel like we are part of the same team working towards the academic success of my child,” she said.

Two days after the five employees were removed from the campus, before details of the criminal investigation were revealed, FIEL Houston held a walkout “in protest of the massive firing,” alluding that it may have been related to the state takeover of the school district.

In a statement, a spokesperson for HISD wrote:

“Student safety remains and will always be our top priority. The district recently conducted additional training for staff at Eastwood Academy, so they are aware that under state law, adults are required to report any information about inappropriate activity between adults and students to CPS or law enforcement. HISD will not tolerate any actions that compromise the safety of our students.”

About the Author

Prairie View A&M University graduate with a master’s degree in Digital Media Studies from Sam Houston State. Delta woman. Proud aunt. Lover of the color purple. 💜
