Want to give back this Thanksgiving? Volunteer for Houston’s Super Feast: Here’s how

HOUSTON – Are you looking for ways to give back this holiday season? If so, the City Wide Club is still looking for volunteers for the annual Grab ‘n Go or Sit ‘n Sup Super Feasts.

According to the organization’s website, shifts are still available for their events that will be held at George R. Brown Convention Center on Thursday, Nov. 23 for Thanksgiving and Saturday, Dec. 23 for the Christmas Super Feast.

Thousands of families will receive holiday meals on both days.

Additionally, information will be available on affordable housing and educational and employment opportunities through the City Wide’s Life-Recovery Programs.

“The Super Feast and Grab ‘N Go or Sit ‘n Sup model has been organized in communities nationwide where local partners help us meet the specific needs of individuals and families who are in need during the Holiday Season at convention and community centers,” a news release stated.

The grocery products in the pre-packed boxes and brown bags will include:

  • Frozen turkey or frozen whole chicken or ham
  • Baked goods
  • Assorted canned goods
  • Bread
  • Other non-perishable items

To sign up to volunteer for a shift, go to the City Wide Club’s website.

The Grab ‘N Go will take place at Chartres Street at Walker Street (at the Green Flutter Flag). Click here to see the layout for the setup.

For information on donations, click here.

About the Author

Prairie View A&M University graduate with a master’s degree in Digital Media Studies from Sam Houston State. Delta woman. Proud aunt. Lover of the color purple. 💜