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Have you had any problems with trash piling up in your Houston area neighborhood?

Several residents of the Arlington Place Apartments in southeast Houston had several things to say about trash that has been piling up at the complex for more than a month. (KPRC)

HOUSTON – Residents at the Arlington Place Apartments in southeast Houston had several things to say about trash that has been piling up at the complex for more than a month.

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At Arlington Place, residents said the problem is sickening.

The dumpsters were removed from the complex, and now there are bags of trash and boxes are piled up near where the bins used to be.

This has also created flies and gnats.

A spokesperson with the Department of Neighborhoods said the property owner has abandoned the complex.

If you’ve had any trash issues, please send us your photos. We could feature yours on-air or online.

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4. Go to the KPRC 2 weather app and click on the camera icon at the bottom of the screen. Log in or create an account. Go to the upload a pin button, find your photo on your phone and tell us about it. Choose a category and channel that fit best, then click upload pin.

About the Author

Cynthia Miranda graduated from UT Austin and is a proud Houstonian. She is passionate about covering breaking news and community stories. Cynthia previously covered elections, the historic 2021 Texas winter storm, and other news in East Texas. In addition to writing, she also loves going to concerts, watching movies, and cooking with her family.