Turkey Leg Hut’s business office catches on fire near Third Ward

HOUSTON – The Turkey Leg Hut’s business office caught on fire Saturday morning near Houston’s Third Ward.

Firefighter’s were called to the 1800 block of Rosedale Street at about 4:05 a.m. due to a structure fire, and no people were injured.

The owner of the restaurant, Nakia Holmes, shared a video on social media about the incident.

She went inside of the office and sounded emotional as she saw the damage.

Videos showed the windows were shattered by the blaze and flames were burning inside.

The inside of the office was destroyed. There were pieces of the wall on the floor as well as ashes all over the ground.

Holmes said in the video that the restaurant will still be open on Saturday.

Turkey Leg Hut also made headlines in February, after one of the founders, Lynn Price, and more than half of the business’ employees were reportedly fired.

About the Author

Cynthia Miranda graduated from UT Austin and is a proud Houstonian. She is passionate about covering breaking news and community stories. Cynthia previously covered elections, the historic 2021 Texas winter storm, and other news in East Texas. In addition to writing, she also loves going to concerts, watching movies, and cooking with her family.
