Harris County Sheriff’s chief-of-staff no longer facing charges in Montgomery County

Jason Spencer (Harris County Sheriff's Office)

HARRIS COUNTY, TexasHarris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez’ Chief of Staff Jason Spencer is no longer facing charges in Montgomery County for violating a protective order.

Spencer was accused of violating the conditions of a bond and protective order when he went to his ex-wife’s house on May 24. His attorney said he was there to pick up one of his children.

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At the time, Spencer was not supposed to go near the home or communicate with any member of the family who lived there.

This week, a Montgomery County judge agreed that as long as Spencer’s communications were not abusive or harassing, he could pick up his child. The judge also made that ruling retroactive to May 7, dismissing the charge.

RELATED: Harris County sheriff’s chief of staff accused of injury to a child

Spencer was charged in connection to a 2023 incident where a teenager was injured. He posted a $2,500 bond after turning himself in for the injury to a child charge. Court documents say the original incident happened on Sept. 15, 2023.

According to the documents, Spencer grabbed the then-14-year-old boy by his hoodie and slammed him against a bedroom wall. The boy then fell and hit his head on a bed frame. The boy allegedly told police he ran downstairs trying to get away, at which time Spencer grabbed a plastic gun case and threw it at him, causing him to fall down the stairs and land on his face. Spencer then allegedly held the boy down by his arms while he was on the floor.

The documents say the teenager had bruising to his back as well as multiple abrasions, bruises, as well as a small hematoma to his skull. He also had multiple abrasions to his left wrist, right arm, back and face.

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Holly Galvan Posey headshot

Holly joined the KPRC 2 digital team in March 2024, leveraging her eight years of expertise in blogging and digital content to share her passion for Houston. Outside of work, she enjoys exploring the city's vibrant scenes, all while balancing her roles as a wife and mother to two toddlers.

Christian Terry covered digital news in Tyler and Wichita Falls before returning to the Houston area where he grew up. He is passionate about weather and the outdoors and often spends his days off on the water fishing.