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What is that cloud? Mother Nature shows off interesting cloud formation in Houston area

Roll cloud spotted in Houston area (Click2Pins users)

HOUSTON – Thunderstorms rolled through the Houston area Friday morning, bringing heavy rains and high winds.

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The storms have moved offshore now, but in their wake, they left the perfect conditions for Mother Nature to show off a certain type of cloud.

Viewers posted multiple photos through Click2Pins showing off the horizontal cloud.

Clouds in Sealy at noon today

Clouds in Sealy at noon today

This cloud is known as a roll cloud. The National Weather Service defines a roll cloud as “A low, horizontal tube-shaped arcus cloud associated with a thunderstorm gust front (or sometimes with a cold front).”

Crazy clouds… what in the world?

Crazy clouds… what in the world?

While they may look ominous, most of the time roll clouds are harmless. They can sometimes foreshadow an arriving thunderstorm, however, in the absence of storms, roll clouds can sometimes form on certain types of boundaries in the area.

From personal experience, the wind can sometimes suddenly increase behind a roll cloud. I have personally experienced a roll cloud on Lake Conroe several years ago. While there was not a storm associated with it, I do remember it getting quite windy once the cloud passed.

Interesting low altitude cloud line quickly rolled over Cypress just past Noon.
Kurt Ausec

Interesting low altitude cloud line quickly rolled over Cypress just past Noon.

About the Author

Christian Terry covered digital news in Tyler and Wichita Falls before returning to the Houston area where he grew up. He is passionate about weather and the outdoors and often spends his days off on the water fishing.