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EPA grants Alief ISD nearly $8 million to purchase 20 electric buses for cleaner commute

ALIEF, Texas – Alief Independent School District will add 20 electric buses to their 310-bus fleet after being awarded nearly $8 million in grant money from the Environmental Protection Agency.

The federal dollars coming from President Biden’s Bipartisan infrastructure act. Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher says the greater Houston area has received $1 billion of investments into infrastructure since the bill has passed.

The $7.9 million will not only help buy 20 buses with a price ticket of 350,000, but it will also help Alief install charging stations as well.

At Friday’s news conference, EPA’s Dr. Earthea Nance said, “All children deserve to breathe clean air.”

She also emphasized the health concerns pollution has on children.

“Children’s lungs and immune systems are not fully developed, and they breathe at a faster rate. So, certain infectious diseases and toxic substances in the environment will affect them disproportionately. For instance, ground level ozone and particulate matter are examples of,” Nance said.

Alief ISD is excited about the new chapter and the healthy change it will bring to the community and their students.

“We’re going to have some of these buses rolling for our elite kids” said Charles Wood, deputy superintendent of business at Alief ISD. “And future, initiatives with the EPA will be on board, just like we were with water testing for lead. We’re going to do all those things to protect our kids.”

Although it is only 20 buses, the district hopes the future will allow for even more electric buses to be added to the fleet.

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Daji Aswad headshot

I am grateful for the opportunity to share the captivating tales of weather, climate, and science within a community that has undergone the same transformative moments that have shaped my own life.