Houston-area pilot arrested after assaulting officer directing traffic at airport

Nicholas Dreis (KPRC 2)

HOUSTON, Texas – A Houston-area pilot has been arrested and charged after authorities said assaulted a peace officer.

Nicholas Hames Dreis has since been charged with assault on a peace office. His bond has been set at $40,000.

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According to court documents, Dreis was at the airport when he refused to move his vehicle, which was blocking multiple lanes of traffic. When he was instructed to move his vehicle by a peace officer who was trying to direct traffic, Dreis turned and assaulted the officer.

Dreis, who has been a pilot for more than 20 years, was then arrested and charged. A mugshot was later released, showing Dreis with a black and purple eye.

Dreis is back in court on Jan. 15.

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