How long will those political campaign signs line the street?

HOUSTON – The election is over and with it are those campaign commercials, phone calls and even the mailers that show up at your front door.

However, there’s one lingering relic of those campaigns that we just can’t seem to shake: the signs.


The plastic political signs often stand along our streets for days, weeks or even months after an election.

“They’re a nuisance,” said Angel Garcia, owner of Houston’s Finest Tattoos. “I mean it’s over with. It’s done with.”

According to the City of Houston, candidates are supposed to come collect their signs within seven days of an election.

However, other cities have shorter timelines for sign removal. In Missouri City, candidates only have three days to collect their signs.

Some municipalities will even levy fines for signs left behind.

The rules depend on the city and county the signs are placed.

The State of Texas says any campaign sign in a right of way is illegal and is subject to being removed by the state, with the cost paid for by the candidate.

While it might seem like a good idea to remove the signs yourself, don’t do it.

Unless the sign is on your property, touching it could end with you in trouble.

About the Authors
Gage Goulding headshot

Gage Goulding is an award-winning TV news reporter and anchor. A native of Pittsburgh, PA, he comes to Texas from Fort Myers, FL, where he covered some of the areas most important stories, including Hurricane Ian.
