Handicapped Pasadena man finally gets help after apartment refuses to provide wheelchair ramp

Javier Gascar, 68, moved into a new apartment and was trapped

A Pasadena man who is confined to a wheelchair has been trapped in his apartment for months, because his apartment complex neither provided a ramp, nor would an apartment manager let him keep his own hand-built ramps out.

KPRC 2 Investigates highlighted Javier Gascar’s frustrating story in September.

OUR FIRST REPORT: Pasadena man, who uses wheeler, confined to apartment after complex says cost of ramp installation is on him

Gascar, 68, was the victim of a road rage shooting in 1980s. The crime left him paralyzed.

Gascar didn’t think the manager at the “Fairmont Oaks” apartments in Pasadena—who has since been dismissed—was making reasonable accommodations for him, as required by law.

KPRC 2 Investigates highlighted the issue, and two Pasadena city council members, Ornaldo Ybarra and Emmanuel Guerrero, stepped up to help get the job done.

SEE ALSO: Who pays? Are apartments responsible for installing wheelchair ramps in complex?

They enlisted volunteers at the City of Pasadena’s Neighborhood Network to get the necessary accommodations in place at no cost.

The materials and time were donated through this thriving program that helps Pasadena citizens who need it.

“Thank you to them and to Channel 2 and to you Mr. Joel,” Gascar said.

About the Author
Joel Eisenbaum headshot

Emmy-Winning Storyteller & Investigator