Liberty County commissioners promise plan of action to address packs of vicious dogs attacking people

LIBERTY COUNTY, Texas – It’s been three days since we’ve been trying to get Liberty County leaders to go on record to talk about a plan to address packs of stray dogs that people who live there say have been terrorizing the area for years.

Wednesday, all that changed.

We had previously reached out to the county judge as well as the commissioners, but we wondered if they got a chance to see for themselves just how serious dog bites in their county could be. Deven Clarke attempted to bring pictures of bite wounds from recent attacks right to them.

We weren’t able to speak to any county leaders face to face but we did reach two by phone.

“This is the first time I’m hearing about it,” said Precinct 1 commissioner Bruce Karbowski.

“It’s actually happening in the Colony Ridge area in the Cleveland community,” Deven responded.

“Well that would be Precinct 3,” Karbowski said. “It’s up to the Precinct 3 commissioner. If there’s a problem in your precinct, to bring that to commissioners court if you deem that it’s important enough, then it gets voted on by the entire panel. Most of the time the county commissioner in that area usually takes care of the things in his precinct, so that would be Commissioner Whitmire.”

“Would you be willing to vote on something that could help fix this problem?” Deven asked.

“Well yes, I would if somebody could tell me how to fix it,” Karbowski responded.

We went to commissioner David Whitmire’s house, but since it had a gate, we called him.

“That’s been turned over to the county attorney, but I believe the judge is planning on having a meeting, in fact, one day next week. When I get that information I’ll let you know,” Whitmire said about the issue.

“People say this is an issue that’s been going on for years. Has it been brought to your attention before?” Deven asked.

“Well, I mean there’s dogs everywhere…but no, I’m not aware of the maulings and stuff like that. No. I’m not aware that’s been happening for years,” Whitmire responded.

“Is it something you think is important to address and something you’re hoping the county can solve?” Deven asked.

“Absolutely! yeah, we don’t want anyone to get hurt, but we’re going to address it and see what we can come up with,” Whitmire said.

We know there is a Liberty County commissioners court meeting next Tuesday.

Residents with concerns are encouraged to show up and speak up.

About the Author
Deven Clarke headshot

Southern Yankee. Native Brooklynite turned proud Texan
