University of Houston students, staff remain on high-alert after string of violent attacks

HOUSTON – The University of Houston (UH) community remains on high alert after three violent incidents—two of which took place in a campus parking garage—occurred in the span of a week.

Latest: Arrest made in knifepoint sexual assault of student in University of Houston parking garage

According to authorities, a woman was sexually assaulted inside her car at the UH Welcome Center Student Parking Garage after an attacker brandished a knife and forced his way into her vehicle. This marked the second attack in the same garage that week.

Other Recent Attacks Near Campus

Wednesday – A student waiting for an elevator inside the Welcome Center Garage was assaulted and robbed of their scooter.

Tuesday – A person was attacked and robbed at the UH South-University Oaks Metro Rail platform.

REALTED: UH student sexually assaulted at knifepoint by suspect in parking garage | How safe do university students in Houston feel? What can be done to protect students better?

UH officials sent out a security alert warning students and faculty about the incidents, sparking concerns about campus safety.

Students and Parents Express Concern

Students and parents say they are troubled by the recent spike in violence, particularly in areas presumed to be safe.

“I worry about my safety all the time literally have pepper spray didn’t really feel the need to use it, but you never know now and that’s not OK,” Aisha Freeman, a student said. “I’m glad that they have more security, but I wish that it steps were taken prior to Friday.”

“For the amount of money that we pay tuition security should definitely be increased and whatnot,” another student Jaslyn Webb said.

For some parents like Cleveland Allen, who has been familiar with the area for 20 years, the incidents are especially alarming.

“This is a campus, supposed to be safe for the kids,” he said. “Little incidents happen, but nothing of this sort.”

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University Police Investigating, Urging Caution

UH Police are actively investigating the attacks in collaboration with other law enforcement agencies. They are urging students, faculty, and visitors to remain vigilant and to report any suspicious activity by calling UH Police or 911.

As concerns grow, students and parents are calling for increased security measures, including more patrols and improved lighting in parking garages.

About the Author
T.J. Parker headshot

T.J. Parker joined KPRC 2 in June 2023 and is happy to be back in Houston. Before coming back to the Lone Star State, T.J. was a reporter in Miami at WSVN Channel 7. There he covered all things up and down the south Florida coast.