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Houston City Hall protest highlights immigration concerns

HOUSTON – Hundreds of protestors gathered in front of Houston City Hall on Presidents’ Day to oppose Trump-era policies.

For one Houston woman who spoke to KPRC 2, she said the Trump administration’s crackdown on illegal immigration could directly impact her.

“I am nervous about what that means for my family, what that means for me to be undocumented,” said Emily, who didn’t want her face on camera. “The irony of the whole thing is that I grew up here in the States. This is really my home.”

Emily was born in a country in Asia and came to the U.S. when she was six years old.

“I have no family there. I speak the language, but that’s about it,” said Emily.

Emily was one of hundreds who showed up to City Hall on Monday afternoon. Some protestors told KPRC 2, while Trump-era policies haven’t impacted them directly, they’re afraid policies like imposing tariffs and federal funding cuts may have a trickle down effect.

However, Trump supporters believe the President is taking America in the right direction.

“Trump is doing a great job in the four or five weeks he’s been in office,” said Richard Urdiales, a member of Texas Liberty Alliance.

TLA is a grassroots conservative political action committee based in Houston.

“Immigration is down and soon the economy will be getting better,” said Urdiales. “Anybody that wants to come to this country, we’re happy for them, but they just need to do it legally.”

Emily tells KPRC 2 her biggest fear is that her family will be torn apart.

“Just keep families together,” said Emily.

The protests on Monday were part of a nationwide movement organized by the group 50501. Many in downtown Houston were not just opposing Trump’s policies, but the influence of Elon Musk on the Trump administration.