50 non-venomous snakes that can be found in Texas

Western fox snake These snakes can grow up to 5 feet long, and are non-venomous. They feed on rodents and birds, and can be found in marshes and wet meadows.

Here are 50 non-venomous snakes that can be found in Texas.

[RELATED: Venomous snakes in Texas you need to know about]

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1. Glossy Snake

Distribution: Southwest, Midwest, South

2. Trans-Pecos Rat Snake

Distribution: Southwest, South

3. Western Worm Snake

Distribution: Southeast, Northeast, Midwest, South

4. Scarlet Snake

Distribution: Southeast, Northeast, South, Midwest

5. Racer

Distribution: Southeast, Southwest, Canada, Midwest, Northeast, Northwest, South

6. Schott’s Whipsnake

Distribution: South

7. Ring-necked Snake

Distribution: Southeast, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Northwest, South, Canada

8. Texas Indigo Snake

Distribution: South

9. Central American Speckled Racer

Distribution: South

10. Baird’s Rat Snake

Distribution: South

11. Great Plains Rat Snake

Distribution: Southeast, Midwest, Northeast, South, Southwest

12. Rat Snake

Distribution: Southeast, Northeast, Midwest, South, Canada

13. Mud Snake

Distribution: Southeast, Northeast, South, Midwest

14. Tamaulipan Hook-nosed Snake

Distribution: South

15. Hog-nose Snake

Distribution: Canada, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Northwest, South

16. Eastern Hog-nosed Snake

Distribution: Southeast, Northeast, Midwest, South, Canada

17. Night Snake

Distribution: Southwest, Midwest, Northwest, South

18. Gray-banded Kingsnake

Distribution: Southwest, South

19. Yellow-bellied Kingsnake

Distribution: Southeast, Northeast, Midwest, South

20. Common Kingsnake

Distribution: Southeast, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, South, Northwest

21. Milksnake

Distribution: Southeast, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, South, Northwest, Canada

22. Texas Blind Snake

Distribution: Southwest, Midwest, South

23. Western Slender Blind Snake

Distribution: Southwest, South

24. Coachwhip Snake

Distribution: Southeast, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, South

25. Striped Whipsnake

Distribution: Southwest, Midwest, Northwest, South

26. Saltmarsh Snake

Distribution: Southeast, South

27. Mississippi Green Water Snake

Distribution: Southeast, Northeast, South, Midwest

28. Plain-bellied Water Snake

Distribution: Southeast, Northeast, Midwest, South, Southwest

29. Southern Water Snake

Distribution: Southeast, Northeast, South, Midwest

30. Brazos River Water Snake

Distribution: South

31. Concho Water Snake

Distribution: South

32. Diamondback Water Snake

Distribution: Southeast, Northeast, Midwest, South

33. Rough Green Snake

Distribution: Southeast, Northeast, Midwest, South

34. Smooth Green Snake

Distribution: South

35. Gopher Snake

Distribution: Canada, Southwest, Midwest, Northwest, Northeast, South

36. Graham’s Crayfish Snake

Distribution: Southeast, Northeast, Midwest, South

37. Glossy Crayfish Snake

Distribution: Southeast, South, Northeast

38. Long-nosed Snake

Distribution: Southwest, Midwest, Northwest, South

39. Big Bend Patch-nosed Snake

Distribution: Southwest, South

40. Mountain Patch-nosed Snake

Distribution: Southwest, South

41. Dekay’s Brown Snake

Distribution: Southeast, Northeast, Midwest, South, Canada

42. Red-bellied Snake

Distribution: Southeast, Northeast, Midwest, South, Canada, Northwest

43. Mexican Black-headed Snake

Distribution: South

44. Black-necked Garter Snake

Distribution: Southwest, Midwest, South

45. Checkered Garter Snake

Distribution: Southwest, Midwest, South

46. Western Ribbon Snake

Distribution: Southeast, Midwest, Northeast, South, Southwest

47. Plains Garter Snake

Distribution: Canada, Midwest, Northeast, Northwest, Southwest, South

48. Lined Snake

Distribution: Midwest, Northeast, Southwest, South

49. Rough Earth Snake

Distribution: Southeast, Midwest, South, Northeast

50. Smooth Earth Snake

Distribution: Southeast, Northeast, Midwest, South

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