With the calendar turned to July, it means that summer is speeding by and the start of school is not too far away, even though many who still want to enjoy their summer vacation don’t want to hear that.
But with the start of school looming next month, now is a great chance to give back to children in need of school supplies.
KPRC 2 and our partners at Energy Transfer are proud to offer this month’s KPRC 2 Community spotlight on BEAR and the work they do to help children in our area.
For those who want to contribute, there are three ways to do so:
- Host a drive to collect new supplies.
- Make a financial donation to BEAR to help with the purchase of supplies.
Below is a list of supplies needed:
- No. 2 pencils
- 3-ring binders
- Backpacks (clear or regular)
- Book covers
- Construction paper
- Crayons
- Erasers
- Glue sticks
- Graph paper
- Highlighters
- Index cards
- Manila paper
- Package of notebook paper (college and wide rule)
- Pencil sharpeners
- Pencil cases
- Pens (black, blue, red)
- Pocket folders
- Rulers
- Scissors
- Spiral notebooks
- Spiral composition books (wide and college rule)
- USB flash drives
- Washable markers
For more information on how to participate, visit BEAR’s website by clicking or tapping here.