Football coach catches heat over Facebook post

BAYTOWN, Texas – A history teacher who is also the head coach of the freshman football team at Goose Creek Memorial High School in Baytown is on paid leave because of a Facebook rant administrators say he posted.

The post was made by Scott Griffin and it bragged about Memorial beating its rival Lee High School 40-6 on Oct. 6. It used profanity and said, 'you're the worst team in town.'

Parents contacted Local 2, outraged by what they read and said it was bad sportsmanship, especially coming from a coach.

Parents also showed Local 2 a drawing that appeared on the white board in the school's field house. It showed some Patriots, which is Memorial's mascot, shooting and killing Ganders, which is Lee's mascot. It's unclear who put the drawing there but parents said it's taking the rivalry too far.

The board was full of threatening words and even said, "Dig up the Ganders that are already dead and kill them again." Parents feel it's taking the rivalry too far.

Local 2 stopped by Griffin's home to get his side of the story. He said he was unable to comment

"I think he has crossed the line," said one parent. "I think that's completely out of line and I think that isn't teaching the kids any positive way to handle a win or loss."

Griffins' actions are under investigation by the Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District.