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The Voice Season 3 Premiere Part I

Watch The Voice 3-night premiere Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday!

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Welcome back to the KPRC Prime Blog! Dena here, and it's been a long, sarcasm-and-glitter-free summer without you.

Season 3 of The Voice promises to be all kinds of fantabulous! We have new rules in the battle rounds, a new animal creature to decorate Cee Lo's shoulder, and what appears be a lazy eye brought on by a glitter and fake-eyelash overdose for dear, dear Xtina. That's right, friends. Xtina has a glazy eye. But enough chit chat, onto the talent!

The two highlights of the night were Bryan Keith, who would rather you didn't know he is the son of Ray de la Paz of the Grammy-winning Spanish Harlem Orchestra, because he's doing it hiiiiis waaaaay. Anywhoser. Bryan delivered the most distinctive and, as Xtina put it, "signature" sound from all of the contestants with his rendition of "It Will Rain" by Bruno Mars. It was, in a word, phenomenopolis. An excellent first choice for the ever-dashing Adam Levine. Check out his audition here!


But for me, the real winner of the night was Trevin Hunte. This 18-year-old mega-voice absolutely murdered "Listen" from the show Dreamgirls, and his performance evoked memories of Jennifer Hudson, or, dare I say it, Beyoncé. I just hope the 8th grade teacher who told him he wasn't going places is watching and giving herself a solid kick in the rear. Trevin could easily be the rock of Team Cee Lo. Behold his majesty:


The 2-hour Season 3 premiere ended thusly: Team Adam secured Bryan Keith and every-tenor-front-man-from-every-punk-band-ever Joe Kirkland. Kind of weird yet annoyingly hot home-schooled chick Devyn Delora and excellently bespectacled De'borah found their way onto Team Xtina. Blake Shelton locked down country yodeler Gracia Harrison and Scottish rocker Terry McDermott. And Team Cee Lo brought it home with Trevin Hunte and Daniel Rosa, the former contestant who happened upon some self-confidence and delivered a refreshingly cool version of the over-played-to-death song I love to hate, "Somebody That I Used to Know."

Tune in for the second part of The Voice Season 3 premiere Tuesday at 7:00pm. And if part one was any indication, this season is going to be just as magnificently melodious as last year, if not more so. BRING ON THE BELTING, NBC. Bring. It. On.

Thanks for reading, and as always, thanks for watching KPRC Local 2!
