The Voice, Live Shows, Part I

Catch The Voice on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week at 7pm!

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HOUSTON – There's just something about a live show. Maybe it's the overly shiny faces that haven't been digitally retouched. Maybe it's the impact of a live crowd on the performers, the coaches, and the viewers at home. Maybe it's the crazy eyes Carson Daly makes when we're short on time and he has to hurry the coaches through their self-indulgent monologues. Yes, there's just something about a live show.

First up for the night from Team Adam was Jocelyn Rivera. Now homegirl's been kicking ass and taking names throughout this competition, and I was firmly in her corner. But Demi Lovato's "Give Your Heart a Break" was just not on the level of her other performances. Her usual effortlessness was replaced by a TON of nerves that just made the whole thing sound forced. But girl sure was appreciative. I think I counted 16 thank you's in the span of 2 minutes?

Terry McDermott from Team Blake was on top coming out of the Knockout Rounds, so I totally get why Blake chose "Don't Stop Believin" for Terry. It sits right up there in his sweet spot, it's a power number that everyone has drunkenly wailed at some point in their lives, I totally get it. I'm just not sure if Terry did. But it's fine you guys—he's foreign. He hammered the notes that mattered, and looked ever the devil-may-care rock star all the while.

Terry McDermott Live 1

Oh Melanie Martinez, how your breathy, non-pitch-focused vocals enchant me. I was definitely a fan of her interpretation of Ray Charles' "Hit the Road Jack." A great song choice that was all jazzy and sassy and delicious. Pitch smitch, I thought she was mesmerizing.

Melanie Martinez Live 1

I'm finally starting to feel Liz Davis, sole representative of country music in these here live shows. She took on a big song with Martina McBride's "Independence Day" and she delivered it, sans hoochie booty shorts or push up bra. Proud of you, girl!

Liz Davis Live 1

Cassadee Pope, a word to the wise. Don't sing an Avril Lavigne song and expect people to take you seriously. I'm generally a Cassadee fan but in light of the awesomeness of some of the other contestants, I think she needs to step it up.

So here's what's frustrating about Bryan Keith. He was AMAZING during his Blind Audition, right? But then he kind of ate it during the Battle Rounds and had one saving grace note during the Knockouts. So I'm thinking it's time for an epic comeback. When it's time to go big or go home… don't pick the Goo Goo Dolls. I'm not hatin', I'm just sayin'. Be that as it may, he was having some SERIOUS fun on that stage, and that almost made up for a weak song choice. Almost.

Bryan Keith Live 1

So everything was pretty good up until this point, but then things got AWESOME, starting with Michaela Paige. That little squirt has some crazy stage presence. Blake could not possibly have picked a better song for her, she could not possibly have performed it any better, and that crazy Mohawk is even starting to grow on me. All that rock belting while running all over the stage—not an easy feat. I'm solidly a fan.

Michaela Paige Live 1

And then my favorite little muffin-face appeared. Julio Cesar Castillo took on the classic Mariachi song "El Rey," in that little skinny tie and coifed hair and SOLD IT. I'm honestly still in shock and awe of what happened on that stage—let's take stock: a full-length Mariachi number, in Spanish, with full band and backup singers resulting in a standing O from the judges and the entire live studio audience chanting "Julio! Julio! Julio!"? I would call that a successful performance, ¿no? Also, Carson Daly pronouncing Julio's full name is straight up hilarious.

Julio Cesar Castillo Live 1

So in the midst of all this awesomeness… was Loren Allred. She had a breakout moment last week in the Knockouts but fell spectacularly flat this week with Lisa Stansfield's "All Around the World." Her big moments were too little too late to make a real impact. I think this might be the end for her.

AMANDA. FREAKING. BROWN. This whole night was just an opening act for Miss Amanda Brown. I don't even know if I have the words to aptly describe what she did on that stage. Rocked it? No, although she did. Massacred it? No, although she did. Hurricane Sandy'd it? Maybe we're getting closer… I think you see where I'm going with this. It was one of the best vocal performances I've ever seen on live TV, and my only hope is that she can keep getting better throughout the remainder of the show, although I'm not sure how she can out-do this one. She looked like a star, she sounded like a star, and if there's any justice in the music world she will BE a star. #AmandaBrownForPresident

Amanda Brown Live 1

I'd say as a whole Team Blake took it home. Except for Amanda Brown who took EVERYTHING. An excellent night of competition from Teams Blake and Adam! Wednesday night, Team Cee Lo and Team Xtina hit the stage, and then Thursday we get our results.

I'll see you in a few days for more recaps, highlights and videos here on the KPRC Prime Blog.

Thanks for reading, and as always, thank for watching KPRC Local 2!