ICU physician Dr. Ismael Yussuf, enters an isolated room designed for COVID-19 patients while wearing aa full suit of PPE while making his daily rounds at the Fort Washington Medical Center on Thursday, June 18, 2020 in Fort Washington, Md.
Respiratory therapist Kevin Cole and his colleagues at a Maryland intensive care center have watched COVID-19 patients die and consoled their families.
Im pumping my brakes, said Cole, who works at the Fort Washington Medical Center ICU in Prince Georges County, which rescinded its stay-at-home order and started reopening June 1.
I would opt not to only because I, I feel like were still in the thick of it all, said Jonae Cussaac, a registered nurse in the ICU at the Fort Washington Medical Center.
I have to deliver the care.One source of motivation for the clinical staff comes from communities around Fort Washington who have been donating free meals to the hospital almost every day.