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Here are tips to follow at hurricane shelters amid the coronavirus pandemic

Here are tips to protect yourself and others from contracting the coronavirus if a hurricane threat forces you to relocate to a public shelter:

  • Identify a safe place to shelter prior to the event. That may be your local public shelter. Know its location and various ways to get there.
  • Prepare your supply kit that includes hand sanitizer, bar soap and two cloth face coverings for each person in your family over two years of age.
  • Practice social distancing while you are in the shelter. That means, stay at least six feet or more apart.
  • Wash your hands often and wear your cloth face cover. Be sure your coughs and sneezes are covered.
  • Avoid touching high-touch surfaces such as handrails. Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer immediately after touching these surfaces.
  • Keep your living area clean. Clean and disinfect frequently-touched items like toys, cellphones and electronics.
  • If you feel sick, notify shelter staff immediately!
  • Be a good role model for your children. Engage in recommended safety practices consistently. Your kids will follow your lead.
