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Strong winds, hail and rain tore through Pearland neighborhood, damaging fences and homes

PEARLAND – Strong winds caused thousands of dollars of damage to a Pearland home and fence and destroyed a neighbor’s shed, which was found in pieces spread throughout the neighborhood.

“It just started getting worse. I mean you could hear the wind, you could hear it. I mean it was terrifying,” said Meg Garrett, a Pearland resident.

Mother Nature showed her wrath in Pearland. Meg’s mother Kerri Garrett stood staring at the 10-foot-long gaping hole in their fence.

“We still don’t know where part of our fence is,” Kerri said. “It’s just kind of one of those things.”

The Garrett family said they are still standing strong, even after Thursday’s storms.

Meg’s neighbors who live two doors were also picking up the pieces on Thursday. The neighbor’s shed ended up down the block. A mangled piece of it lay in Meg’s yard while the other parts were wrapped around her patio pole and at the corner of the block.

When metal smashed the side windows of Meg’s home, she was lucky to be downstairs.

“Heard the glass shatter and my ears pop!” Meg said. “I grabbed everything and I went in the bathroom.”

Despite the thousands of dollars in damage, Kerri stood amongst the pockets of debris.

“It’s stuff,” Kerri said.

The piles of mangled metal and fences all over the floor brought even greater perspective.

“It’s not what’s really important. My kids are safe. My family is safe,” Kerri said.

As the rain came down Thursday evening in Pearland, crews were working to repair powerlines. Neighbors and church volunteers were helping homeowners pick up the pieces and families like the Garrett’s shared stories of grit, gratitude, and perhaps, a bit of good luck.
