I’m forecasting literally thousands of umbrellas tonight as Mardi Gras begins! See photo above!!
This afternoon, The George Mitchell Award will honor Rudy and Donna Teichman for their long-standing support of Galveston’s Mardi Gras and original role back in the 1980s using their tug boats to bring over the first floats from New Orleans. A Family Gras procession follows and tonight at 8:30 p.m. the big Funky Uptown Umbrella Brigade Parade holds forth! A big congrats to the Teichman family including my friend, Brian Teichman!
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If you’ve visited the Strand, you’ve seen Yaga’s Cafe. It’s owner Mike Dean is a big player in Galveston’s Mardi Gras. Inspired by a police officer friend, Dana Williams, Mike first organized The Funky Uptown Umbrella Brigade Parade in 2011 as a tribute to those Second Line parades you see in New Orleans after a wedding, like this one of my friends’ Regina and Matt Reynolds just last October:
Mike Dean wasn’t satisfied with just a parade, but went for the big prize: the Guinness Book of World Records for an Umbrella Parade which he accomplished in both 2011 and 2012! Last year’s parade brought in 2,000 umbrella-toting celebrants, and they expect they same this year. By the way, if you arrive with a decorated umbrella and participate in the parade, get there before 8:30 p.m. and admission is FREE!
I must say, it’s always nice to forecast umbrellas on a beautiful sunny day! I’ll be LIVE weathercasting down in Galveston today! Enjoy a safe and sunny Mardi Gras first weekend!
Email me with ideas, comments and questions!