Sunday’s evening forecast:
Near perfect weather for anything you want to do outdoors and that includes the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo! The Sunday concert will start close to 6pm when it will be a perfect way to cap off your weekend! Temperatures will head toward the low 70s for the evening and dry.
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This Week’s Rodeo Forecast:
Overall, we’ll stay very warm for Rodeo this week. South winds will keep the afternoons muggy and breezy with highs in the mid 80s. The concerts should be mild in the 70s but it will be toasty at the Carnival each afternoon.

10-day forecast:
We have a near perfect weekend with sunny skies. Next week a cold front moves in Friday. And with the start of spring break, we spring forward next Sunday morning. Don’t forget next Sunday is when we turn our clocks ahead one hour to usher in Daylight Saving Time.