Your Current Forecast:
Plenty of sunshine is likely again on Tuesday as Monday evening temps will fall back into the 50s and 40s overnight.
Pleasant Weather Continues:
A marvelous Monday will lead into a terrific Tuesday with a cool start in the 40s and then back to mostly sunny skies and some clouds hanging along the coast. Highs, once again, will climb into the low 70s.

Next cold front Saturday:
While we have a small chance of rain Friday, Saturday is the day to watch. Rain is expected with a big drop in temperatures coming Sunday. Early estimates have us seeing some rough thunderstorms on Saturday afternoon, followed by some substantially cooler air that will drop us back into the 50s and 30s!

10-Day forecast:
This week is mostly quiet with up and down temperatures through Thursday. Watch for some bumpy weather on Saturday as a cold front brings in thunderstorms and then a sizeable cooldown on Sunday.

The KPRC 2 Storm Tracker Team will bring you live coverage throughout the storm threat Thursday.
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