Sunday Night Forecast:
The last 36 hours rain dampened the holiday weekend. Most of southeast Texas picking up 1 - 2 inches of rain but some isolated areas exceeding 4 inches.

Tonight we are in for a dry and cool end to Christmas Eve making Santa’s travel smooth sailing overnight.
Christmas Day :
More than merry on Christmas it will breezy and much cooler than the weekend with morning temperatures in the low 50s. Highs feel like a Texas winter in the upper 50s and low 60s.

Winds will add to December chill with northwest winds gusting near 20 mph throughout the day.

Thankfully we see plenty of sunshine with no rain or snow to worry about. Check out climatological Christmas chart below. The coldest was in 1983 with a high of a bone chilling 11 degrees.

10-Day forecast:
Christmas Eve’s cold front will clear a path for sunshine and seasonable cool temperataures for the last week of 2023. Tracking a chance for slight showers as we kick off the new year.