The wind chill advisories and hard freeze warnings set for Tuesday are going to be reissued and extended into Wednesday morning. Even though we had plenty of sunshine across the Houston area Tuesday afternoon, winds will remain elevated enough, 15 to 20 mph through the night, that wind chills early Wednesday will still be in the low teens to low 20s.
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Tuesday evening’s forecast
It was nice to see some sunshine move back in today, but it’s been a real struggle to get temps back above freezing. We’ll fall back into the 20s quickly this evening and some icy spots could re-freeze overnight. Take caution if you’re heading out after dark.
Wednesday morning’s threat - hard freeze warning
Temperatures are again starting below 25° Wednesday morning. A hard freeze warning is in effect through Wednesday at 10am. Sensitive plants will likely not survive if they have not been covered or brought into a sheltered area.

10-Day forecast
The arctic air moves out Wednesday. We’re tracking another cold front Thursday evening. This will bring more freezing temperatures this weekend, but it won’t be as drastic as what we have now. The following week will be warmer but does look like a stormy week.