Tonight’s Forecast:
A hard freeze warning and wind chill advisory goes into effect at midnight, lasting through 9am Saturday. Our northern cities get the coldest temperatures.
Saturday Morning’s Forecast:
A hard freeze warning goes into effect Friday at midnight, lasting through 9am Saturday. Temperatures in our far northern cities can go as low as 19°. There is also a wind chill advisory in effect at the same time. Keep your pipes insulated and your plants covered!

Saturday Afternoon’s Forecast:
Saturday afternoon temperatures don’t get out of upper-40s. A light freeze is expected Sunday morning.

Flood Threat Next Week:
Starting Monday SE Texas moves into a storm track and it may be tough to get out of it. It appears we’ll get round after round of rain falling almost every day through the end of the week. We already have a moderate flood threat Monday. Our long range models also are showing a tremendous amount of rain through Thursday. We’ll keep you posted on this very important forecast.

10-Day forecast:
We are warmer next week but heavy rain is possible through Thursday. I don’t have a dry forecast until Sunday of next week.