Monday’s forecast:
A cloudy and cool start Monday, then clouds decrease with temperatures in the mid-60s. Expect the a north wind that range from 15-20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph.

Dry and mild stretch :
Tuesday and Wednesday sunshine sticks around with temperatures climbing to the 70s.

More rain at the end of the week:
Our next front moves in Thursday. But there’s a problem. This front may stall over southeast Texas. Depending where it gets stuck, these areas will get round after round of rain through the weekend and early next week. We’ll watch this front and let you know when it is most likely we’ll get rain. For now I’ve got a 30% to 40% chance of showers Thursday through Monday.

10-Day forecast:
Temperatures slowly warm this week. Because the front doesn’t completely clear Houston, we’ll be in the 70s through early next week.