Tonight’s Forecast:
Tonight we will have cloudy skies with lows in the upper-50s and lower-60s. Winds will continue to be breezy from the SE at 10-15mph and gusting over 20mph.
Light rain possible Thursday and Friday:
Thursday is the first day with light rain and streamer showers from the coast. Rain is possible through the day, 9AM-4PM. The rain will be light, a nuisance at the most. Rain totals will be less than a tenth of an inch for both Thursday and Friday. Temperatures will top out in the 70s.

Another rainy weekend:
Starting early Saturday morning our rain chances ramp up. 1-2″ of rainfall is possible on Saturday and more rain is possible on Sunday. Both of these days bring heavy rain and thunderstorms, however, we have no severe or flood threat right now.

10-Day forecast:
Temperatures slowly warm the rest of week. Because the front doesn’t completely clear Houston, we’ll be in the 70s through Sunday, but be ready for a soggy Super Bowl party!