Wednesday’s Forecast:
HOUSTON – We’ll be waking up on Wednesday in the mid-60s under partly cloudy skies. High pressure is dominating our weather pattern this week, meaning that we’ll see mid to upper 80s for our highs all week.
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Air Quality Alert:
With all of the sunshine, warm temperatures and light winds in the forecast we can expect lower air quality this week. Folks who suffer from respiratory issues like asthma may want to consider exercising indoors. You can track air quality here in real time here:
Bone Dry:
For the first time in a year, Houston, and most of southeast Texas are back in a drought. It’s a moderate drought and conditions will get worse through the next two weeks with not much rain in the forecast.

We’re locked into a pretty dry pattern this week, so we don’t expect to break into the drought anytime soon For more on our drought and our upcoming winter click here. Our last measurable rainfall was on September 25th.

Tracking the Tropics:
There is no tropical development expected in the next seven days. Hurricane season runs through November 30th, but in recorded history SE Texas has never had a storm hit past October 15th. The reason is our cold fronts block storms from moving north. Fronts steer them east. We’ll probably have a few more storms but if they hit the United States it will be along the east coast.

10-day Forecast:
There are several days we get near 90° this week with highs in the upper-80s and mostly sunny skies. Right now it looks like we could see rainfall return at the end of the 10-day, but it’s still very far out. Halloween is now on the 10 day!