Thursday’s forecast:
HOUSTON – We’ll start the day with temperatures in the 30s again! No freeze alerts are in effect but temperatures will range from the mid to upper-30s for all of SE Texas minus our coastal cities. Winds shift and start coming from the southeast. This will warm us up. The temperature climb tomorrow is subtle but we’ll really feel it Friday.
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Friday’s forecast:
While still chilly, temperatures will not be nearly as cold as the past two mornings. We may even wake up to some light rain with cloudy skies.
Tracking rain:
I’m tracking three low pressure troughs/fronts that bring a likely chance of rain Saturday, Monday and Wednesday of next week. Wednesday’s cold front will drop temperatures again bringing back the cold air.
10-day Forecast:
A couple of things to point out. Sunday’s Texans game looks good for tailgating and has less than a 20% chance of rain. The official start of winter, the Winter Solstice is next Saturday.