HOUSTON – Recurring charges and subscriptions for apps you forgot you downloaded could be costing you every single month.
App developers are hoping you forgot about that free trial you may have signed up for that is no longer free. Whether you have an Apple or an Android phone, there is an easy way to look for all of those long forgotten subscriptions.
On an Android phone:
Open the Google Play app.
Tap on the menu. Tap "subscriptions."
Select the subscriptions you want to cancel.
On an iPhone:
Go into your iPhone's settings and scroll down to iTunes & App Store.
Tap on that; then tap on your Apple ID at the top of the screen.
Hit "View Apple ID." You will be prompted to enter your iTunes password at this point.
Scroll down to "Subscriptions," the seventh option on the page.
Click on each subscription listed there, and a "Cancel Subscription" option will be there.