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Ask Amy notes: Fighting high water bills

Episode 5: Hear from man who fought the city over a high water bill and won

We get a lot of complaints about high water bills. Amy’s guest is a man who sued the City of Houston over an outrageous water bill and won. Ashley Martins did this without hiring an attorney! Hear how he did it.

Watch video in link posted above

Websites mentioned in episode

How to report unusually high water bills

How to file a complaint with 3-1-1 about high water bills

For quick reference, you can scroll to these timecodes in the episode to hear a specific topic

1:45 discovered leak outside the home near the water meter

4:30 determined leak was on his side, he had to pay for repairs

3:27 got bill for $2,000+

7:19 why he decided to file a lawsuit

12:10 water adjustment board committee

17:25 you are charged when they come test meters

20:00 malfunctions of meters

20:23 facts about unusually high water bill adjustment

21:28 still doesn’t think the process works as it should

Helpful KPRC links related to high water bills

High water bill complaints

How to check for water leaks around your home

See which neighborhoods have the most expensive water bills

Woman shocked by $8500 water bill

95-year-old viewer fights water bill

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About the Authors
Amy Davis headshot

Passionate consumer advocate, mom of 3, addicted to coffee, hairspray and pastries.

Andrea Slaydon headshot

Award-winning TV producer and content creator. My goal as a journalist is to help people. Faith and family motivate me. Running keeps me sane.
