These children having their own Olympic Torch relay will put a smile on your face

Pass the torch! (Video from Natalie Young via Storyful.)

Someone cue up the Olympics theme song, stat.

One of the best parts about the lead up to the Olympics is, of course, the passing of the Olympic flame from torch to torch.

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A video showing a handful of little kids in Newport, Wales, doing their replicating the moment was, possibly the next best thing.

The video of the kids having some fun was posted on Twitter with the caption “A very definite Konichiwa day.”

The children have a paper torch lit with a paper flame, and each kid pretends to pass the flame to one another, until the end, when a little girl gets the great honor of lighting the cauldron.

You never know, one of these kids could be carrying an Olympic torch in the future some day.

You can watch the adorable video below.

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Jack Roskopp headshot

Jack is a Digital Content Editor with a degree in creative writing and French from Western Michigan University. He specializes in writing about movies, food and the latest TV shows.
